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Another interesting week here at DreamLakes. Read below to find out more!
Tony Baker in ‘Snags’ had 16 fish including four forties.
Steve Allsop fished in ‘Hornets’ and caught two fish.
Jack Allsop set-up in ‘3-Steps’ and landed 12 fish.
Kev Allsop in ‘West-Point’ had four fish up to 40lbs.
Mark Hill in ‘Ladies Lair’ had eight fish up to 52lbs.
Andy Harrison in ‘Pads’ had 16 fish including two forties of 43lbs and 45lbs.
Ron Pascoe in ‘Beach’ had 15 fish up to 46lbs.
Will ‘The Noddy’ in ‘Unknown’ had seven fish.
Rael set-up in ‘Gables’ and caught 14 fish.
Peter Howells in Peg 6 had six fish.
Rich Ellis in Peg 15 had seven fish up to 40lbs.
Leigh King in Peg 16 had 18 fish including three forties up to 43lbs.
Luke Westnidge in Peg 18 had nine fish up to 52lbs.
Callum Boyle in Peg 24 had nine fish.
Peter Boyle in Peg 28 had seven up to 47lbs.
Ben Gill in Peg 26 had eight including two forties.
Josh Boyle in Peg 30 had six fish.
Steve Hughes in Peg 22 had 11 fish up to 57lbs.
Pasha Pehliran set-up in Peg 6 and caught nine fish up to 40lbs.
Izzy Salih in Peg 7 had five fish up to 40lbs.
Mr Benwicks in Peg 4 had four fish.
Phil Scott in Peg 7 had four fish.
Jason Smart in Peg 3 had 11 fish.
Tony Dickson in Peg 8 had just the one.
John Butcher in Peg 5 had four fish.
Tony Green in Peg 16 had just the one.
Ash Ashton in Peg 15 had two fish.
Mick Brown in Peg 3 had six fish.
Jamie Still had seven fish.
Ken Stitt had eight fish up to 41lbs.
Dean Driscoll had three fish.
Adam Baker in Peg 4 had just the one.
Bill Baker in Peg 3 had three fish up to 42lbs.
Dean Driscoll Snr. in Peg 5 had two fish.
Bill Driscoll in Peg 2 had just the one.