DreamLake 2 offers anglers excellent 'specimen style' fishing providing every chance of hooking into a number of huge carp - with a massive head of twenty and thirty-pound carp backing-up the huge number of forty and fifty-pound fish topped by 60lb specimens!.

The current lake records are 61lb 8oz for common carp, 57lb 12oz for mirror carp, the catfish record stands at 97lb, and 44lb 8oz is the impressive grass carp record - with an arm-aching haul of 93 fish the most recorded by a single angler in one week.

Rectangular in shape and approx. 18-acres in size, we allow only 18 anglers per week on DreamLake 2. The 30 swims are all linked by a gravel track around the lake and with so many pegs to choose from there is always plenty of room to move if you wish. These easily accessible swims are well presented neat, log-lined gravelled areas. Large bivvies or tents are accommodated with ease and a number of swims close to the lodge are designated as suitable for disabled/wheelchair access.

The depth of DreamLake 2 varies between 5-7ft with many underwater features including gravel bars and silt pockets. Again there is no need to worry about protecting hookbaits with mesh, as there are no crayfish or poisson chat that often inhabit other French waters.

The stocking program of DreamLake 2 has seen the impressive head of specimen carp increased many fold over the years. Prior to opening in 1998, DreamLake 2 saw the addition of over five tonnes of carp including twenty forty-pound plus fish to 49lb, over twenty at 38lbs+, over 100 carp of 31lb+ and hundreds at twenty-pound plus. Since then DreamLake 2 simply got better when, in December 2001, a further 200 carp weighing in at over two tonnes including two fifty-pound carp were introduced. More recently, an additional one tonne of carp were added in October 2003, over 200 carp in November 2005 and yet a further 200 beautiful chestnut mirrors in November 2007. All have served to make an excellent water a simply awesome place to fish.


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