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Full of big hits of fish as well as big fish captures it's been another week of great results on the complex...
Gareth Earey had seven fish from ‘3 Steps’ including three thirties and two forties to 46lb
Ron Harvey in ‘Cherries’ had five fish including a 46lb common and 51lb common
David Earey one fish from ‘West Point’
Scott Greathead had seven fish from ‘Hornets’ to 45lb
Scott McGregor had 17 fish from ‘West Bar’ including six thirties, for forties and three fifties – 51lb 52lb and 55lb
William Hendron fished ‘Pads’ for four fish
Simon Fielder had two fish including a 51lb mirror from’Haven’
Ben Oakes had 28 fish from ‘Ladies Lair’ including eight forties and three fifties of 50lb, 51lb and 54lb
Adrian Jackson had three fish from ‘Beach’ to 47lb
Ryan Simmons in ‘Sunset’ had four fish
Kallum Soars in ‘East Bar’ had four including three forties to 47lb
Joe Player had five from ‘The Slope’ on Cell
Mark Greenway had six in ‘Snags’ up to 36lb
Robert Earey fished ‘Chimneys’ for six fish including a 47lb mirror and two 53lb mirrors
Andy Doyle in peg 11 had six fish including three forties and a huge 58lb common
Rhys Evans in peg 9 had eight fish four forties to 48lb
Peter Alderton in peg 24 had 13 fish including eight thirties, three forties to 46lb and three fifties; 52lb 54lb and a 56lb common all using Cell
Paul Goreham in peg 18 had eight fish including five forties to 46lb
Nick Melville in peg 14 had three fish to 38lb
Scott Walker in 19 had 13 fish including four forties to 48lb plus a 56lb mirror
Ricky Dorling in peg 28 had three to 46lb
Paul Manning in peg 23 had six thirties, three forties to 49lb plus a 58lb common
Ben Snowling in peg 15 and 21 had four fish
Gary Cusack in peg 7 had nine fish including four thirties and four forties to 45lb on The Link
Wayne Foster in peg 25 had five fish including a 48lb mirror and a 61lb common on the Cell
Connor James had eight fish with three forties to 45lb on Cell
Warren Foster in peg 2 had six fish to 56lb on Cell
Tom Elson in peg 5 had three fish including a 52lb common on Cell
Terry Page in peg 3 had five fish to 48lb
David J Shaw in peg 4 had 34 fish
David S Shaw in peg 3 had 12 fish
Ben Shaw in peg 9 had 31 fish
Gary Shaw in peg 10 had 41 fish including a 41lb common
Mike Whitley in peg 5 had 18 fish
Colin Whitley in peg 5 had 16 fish